Tom & Claus

Lemniskade Projects is Tom and Claus. Architect Tom Frantzen often worked with building manager Claus Oussoren. The idea to found Lemniskade Projects together arose from a shared vision of sustainability and the built environment.

Construction Manager Claus Oussoren

Ir. Claus Oussoren

Director Construction Management

Claus Oussoren has been owner of BAMO BV, an independent construction management agency, with Margriet Oussoren since 1997. Claus is also a partner of H2O Bouwmanagement, an agency specialising in building management and installation consultancy that works on behalf of, among others, PWC and

In 2010, Claus founded Lemniskade Projects with Tom Frantzen. After their first project, Patch22, which was nominated for the Zuiderkerkprijs 2016 and managed to win a Green Good Design Award in 2017, the international WAN Residential Award 2016, the Dutch Sustainable Building award 2018 and the Golden Pyramid 2018, their second project Top-Up will be completed in early 2020.

Tom about Claus:

“Where many building managers prioritize the quality of the process over the quality of the building, Claus does things the other way around; he is always willing to adjust the process to optimize the quality of the building.”

Lemniskade Projecten BV

Johan van Hasseltkade 280
1032 LP Amsterdam
020 309 0350

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